李建龙 中共党员
通讯地址:山东省青岛市即墨区滨海路72号 山东大学 环境研究院K6-415
2016/09-2019/06,中国海洋大学,海洋化学,博士,导师:杨桂朋 教授
导师:Prof. Sohiko Kameyama
2013/09-2016/06,中国海洋大学,化学工程,硕士,导师:张洪海 教授
2009/09-2013/06,中国海洋大学, 化学,本科
2019/6至今,山东大学,环境研究院,博士后,合作导师:杜林 教授
1. Li J L; Kameyama S; Yang G P; In-situ measurement of trace isoprene and dimethyl sulfide in seawater and oceanic atmosphere based on room temperature adsorption-thermal desorption, Marine Chemistry, 2020, 222: 103787.
2. Li J L, Zhai X, Ma Z, Zhang H H, Yang G P. Spatial distribution and sea-to-air fluxes of non-methane hydrocarbons in the marine atmosphere and seawater from the western Pacific Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 672: 491-501.
3. Li J L, Zhang H H, Yang G P. Distribution and sea-to-air flux of isoprene in the East China Sea and the South Yellow Sea during summer. Chemosphere, 2017, 178: 291-300.
4. Li J L, Zhai X, Zhang H H, Yang G P. Temporal variations in the distribution and sea-to-air flux of marine isoprene in the East China Sea. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 187: 131-143.
5. 李建龙, 周立敏, 张洪海, 杨桂朋, 靳娜. 秋季黄海与渤海异戊二烯含量的分布及海-气通量. 环境科学研究, 2015, 28(7): 1062-1068.
6. Zhu J Q, Li J L, Du L. Exploring the formation potential and optical properties of secondary organic aerosol from the photooxidation of selected short aliphatic ethers. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020, in press.
7. Zhai X, Li J L, Zhang H H, Tan D D, Yang G P. Spatial distribution and biogeochemical cycling of dimethylated sulfur compounds and methane in the East China Sea during spring. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2019, 124(2): 1074-1090.
8. Zhang H H, Li J L, Yang G P, Song Y C, Jin N. Purge-trap gas chromatography and mass spectrometric method for analysis of isoprene in natural waters. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 43(3): 333-337.
9. Yang Z M, Tsona N T, Li J L, Wang S Y, Xu L,You B, Du L. Effects of NOx and SO2 on the secondary organic aerosol formation from the photooxidation of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene: A new source of organosulfates. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 264, 114742.
10. Zhai X, Song Y C, Li J L, Yang J, Zhang H H, Yang G P. Distribution characteristics of dimethylated sulfur compounds and turnover of dimethylsulfide in the northern south china sea during summer, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2020, 125(2).
11. Zhang Z M, Zhang H H, Li J L, Yang G P. Determination of phthalic acid esters in seawater and sediment by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 45(3): 348-356.
12. You B, Li S Y, Tsona N T, Li J L, Xu L, Yang Z M, Cheng S M, Chen Q C, Christian G, Ge M F, Du L. Environmental processing of short-chain fatty alcohols induced by photosensitized chemistry of brown carbons. ACS Earth Space Chemistry, 2020, 4, 631-640.
13. Zhai X, Zhang H H, Yang G P, Li J L, Yuan D. Distribution and sea-air fluxes of biogenic gases and relationships with phytoplankton and nutrients in the central basin of the South China Sea during summer. Marine Chemistry, 2018, 200: 33-44.