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教授 博士生导师





2001.7-2005.6 山东大学 理学博士

2005.9-2006.9 香港城市大学 高级研究助理

2012.7-2013.7 美国佛罗里达大学 访问学者

2006.9-至今 山东大学环境研究院 副教授、教授







1. 不饱和OVOCs大气化学转化及其形成二次有机气溶胶的微观机理

2. 环境内分泌干扰物大气、水体及生物体内的微观降解机理

3. 溴系阻燃剂类化合物大气、水体及生物体内的微观降解机理

4. 水处理过程中的本质反应研究(活性氧协同OH自由基氧化降解水中典型污染物的微观机理)





山东省优秀毕业生1人 曹海杰(2012硕士,2016博士)

山东大学优秀毕业生2人 曹海杰(2012硕士,2016博士) 李静(2014硕士)

山东大学优秀硕士论文2人 曹海杰(2012硕士) 李明月(2015硕士)

国家奖学金 2人 韩丹丹(2012)孙延慧(2012)

王文兴院士奖学金3人 韩丹丹(2014) 李静(2013) 曹海杰(2010)

研究生优秀学术成果奖学金2人 韩丹丹(2015) 曹海杰(2014)

优秀研究生干部奖学金1人 曹海杰(2014)

研究生优秀奖学金2人 李明月(2014)曹海杰(2011)

小松中日奖学金2人 韩丹丹(2014)曹海杰(2013)

研究生社会实践奖学金1人 孙延慧(2011)

学业奖学金一等奖1人 张士清(2016)

学业奖学金二等奖1人 孙建菲(2016)



  1. 水体中邻苯二甲酸酯类降解机理的量化计算及蒙特卡洛模拟(21477085),2015.01-2018.12,负责,国家基金委面上项目

  2. 模糊认知图的鲁棒稳定性等若干理论研究及其在环境污染中的应用(2014JC014),2014.01-2016.12,负责,山东大学自主创新基金自然科学类专项

  3. 多溴联苯醚类大气环境中微观降解机理的理论研究(21077067),2011.01-2013.12,负责,国家基金委面上项目

  4. 乙烯基醚类对流层大气化学转化过程的机理研究(20877049),2009.01-2011.12,负责,国家基金委面上项目

  5. 活性氧协同羟基自由基氧化降解有机物反应机理(21073220),2012.01-2013.11,负责,国家基金委面上项目(子课题)

  6. 分子模拟方法研究大气环境中乙烯基醚类二次有机气溶胶形成的微观机理(200902560), 2010.01-2012.12,负责,中国博士后基金特别资助

  7. β-内酰胺酶抑制剂抑酶反应机理的理论研究(BS2009SW037),2010.01-2012.12,负责,山东省优秀中青年基金

  8. 大气中乙烯基醚类化学转化过程的微观机理研究(20080441127),2009.01-2011.12,负责,中国博士后基金面上项目


  1. 新型有机污染物降解机理的量子化学计算与分子模拟(21337001),2013.01-2017.12,参与,国家基金委重点项目

  2. 持久性有机污染物的典型环境过程及构效关系研究(20733001),2008.01-2011.12,参与,国家基金委重点项目

  3. 持久性有机污染物的降解机理与构效关系(2009JC016),2010.01-2012.12, 参与,山东大学自主创新基金自然科学类专项

  4. β-内酰胺类化合物的酶催化水解反应机理的理论研究,2004.01-2006.12,主要完成人,国家基金面上项目

  5. 化学反应中散射共振态的理论研究,2006.01-2008.12,参与,国家基金面上项目


  1. Jianfei Sun, HaijieCao, Shiqing Zhang, Xin Li,Maoxia He*.Theoreticalstudy on the mechanism of the gasphase reaction of methoxybenzene with ozone.RSCAdvances,2016,6(114), 113561-113569.

  2. Haijie Cao, Xin Li,Dandan Han, Shiqing Zhang,Maoxia He*.OH-initiated tropospheric photooxidationof allyl acetate (AAC): A theoreticalstudy. Can.J. Chem., 2016, 94(7): 648-657.

  3. Shiqing Zhang, HaijieCao, Xin Li, Jianfei Sun,Maoxia He*.Theoreticalstudy on the mechanisms and kinetics of Cl-initiated oxidation ofmethylacrylate. Comput.Theo. Chem., 2016, 1091, 99-106.

  4. Haijie Cao, Dandan Han,Mingyue Li, Xin Li,Maoxia He*, WenxingWang. Theoretical investigation on mechanistic and kinetic transformation of 2,2′, 4, 4′, 5-pentabromodiphenylether. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2015, 119(24),6404-6411.

  5. Haijie Cao,Maoxia He*, Dandan Han, Wenxing Wang,Theoretical study on the nitrate radical oxidation of methyl vinyl ether.2015,1072,72–78.

  6. Dandan Han, Haijie Cao,Maoxia He*, Jingtian Hu, Side Yao,Computational study on the mechanisms and rate constants of the Cl-initiatedoxidation of Methyl vinyl ether in atmosphere.2015,119(4), 719-727.

  7. MingyueLi, Haijie Cao, Dandan Han, XinLi,MaoxiaHe*, Kinetics and mechanism of the reactions of OH radicals withp-nitroaniline in gas-phase and aqueous solution. Comput. Theo. Chem., 2015,1055,68-77.

  8. HaijieCao,Maoxia He*, Dandan Han, WenxingWang, Theoretical investigation on mechanistic and kinetic transformation of2,2′,4,4′,5-pentabromodiphenyl ether. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2015, 119(24),6404-6411.

  9. YunfengLi, Xiangli Shi,Maoxia He*,Computational investigation on NO3-initiated degradation of p,p′-DDE in atmosphere: mechanism and kinetics. Comput. Theo. Chem., 2015,1068,21-29.

  10. DandanHan, Jing Li, Haijie Cao,Maoxia He*,Jingtian Hu, Theoretical studies on the mechanisms and rate constants for thehydroxylation of n-Butyl, iso-Butyl and tert-butyl vinyl ethers in atmosphere.2015, 26(3), 713-729.

  11. JingLi,Dandan Han, Haijie Cao, Mingyue Li,MaoxiaHe*. Theoretical study on the mechanism and kinetics for the ozonolysis ofvinyl propionate. Struct. Chem., 2014, 25(1), 285-291.

  12. MingyueLi, Jing Li, Haijie Cao, Dandan Han, Xin Li,Maoxia He*, Theoretical study on the mechanism and kinetics for theozonolysis reaction of isopropenyl acetate, 1-propenyl acetate and vinylpropionate. Comput. Theo. Chem., 2014, 149,42-50.

  13. JingLi, Haijie Cao, Dandan Han, Mingyue Li, Xin Li,Maoxia He*, Computational study on the mechanisms and kinetics ofCl-initiated oxidation of vinyl acetate (VAC). 2014, 94, 63-73.

  14. DandanHan, Jing Li, Haijie Cao,Maoxia He*,Jingtian Hu, Side Yao. Computational study on the mechanisms and rate constantsof the OH-initiated oxidation of ethyl vinyl ether in atmosphere. Chemosphere,2014, 111, 69-76.

  15. YanhuiSun, Haijie Cao, Dandan Han, Jing Li,MaoxiaHe*, Reactions of n-butyl acrylate and ethyl methy acrylate with ozone inthe gas phase. Comput. Theo. Chem., 2014,1039, 33-39.

  16. DandanHan, Jing Li, Haijie Cao,Maoxia He*,Jingtian Hu, Side Yao. Theoretical investigation on the mechanisms and kineticsof OH-initiated photo oxidation of dimethyl phthalate (DMP) in atmosphere.Chemosphere, 2014, 95, 50-57.

  17. JingLi, Yanhui Sun, Haijie Cao, Dandan Han,MaoxiaHe*. Mechanisms and kinetics of the ozonolysis reaction of cis-3-hexenylacetate andtrans-2-hexenyl acetate in atmosphere. Struct. Chem., 2014, 25(1),75-83.

  18. YuhuaQi*,Chongjuan Xu,JingMa, Bing Geng,MaoxiaHe. Theoretical study onthe substitution reactions of fluoro silylenoid H2SiLiF with SiH3XHn-1(X= F, Cl, Br, O, N; n= 1, 1, 1, 2, 3). Struct. Chem., 2014, 25(4),1147-1152.

  19. YanhuiSun, Haijie Cao, Dandan Han, Jing Li,MaoxiaHe*. Atmospheric ozonolysis study of. Struct. Chem., 2013, 24, 1451–1460.

  20. HaijieCao,Maoxia He*, Dandan Han, YanhuiSun, Wenxing Wang, Side Yao. OH-initiated oxidation mechanisms and kinetics of2, 4, 4′-tribrominated diphenyl ether.2013, 47(15), 8238–8247.

  21. DandanHan, Haijie Cao, Yanhui Sun, Jing Li,MaoxiaHe*. Mechanisticand kinetic study on the of n-butyl vinyl ether, i-butyl vinyl ether and t-butyl vinyl ether.Chemosphere,2012, 88(10), 1235-1240.

  22. YanhuiSun, Haijie Cao, Dandan Han,Jing Li,MaoxiaHe*. Computational study of the reaction mechanism and kinetics of inatmosphere. 2012, 402, 6-13.

  23. Maoxia He*,Haijie Cao, Yanhui Sun, Dandan Han, Jingtian Hu. Mechanistic and kinetic studyon the atmospheric photoxidation reaction of vinyl acetate (VAC) withO3. Atmos.Environ.,2012, 49, 197-205.

  24. Maoxia He,Yanhui Sun, Haijie Cao, Dandan Han, Jingtian Hu*. Theoretical study of theozonolysis of allyl acetate(AAC): mechanism and kinetics. Struct. Chem., 2012,23(1), 201-208.

  25. HaijieCao,Maoxia He*, Dandan Han, YanhuiSun, Sufang Zhao, Hongxia Ma, Side Yao. Theoretical study on the mechanism andkinetics of the reaction of 2,4-dibrominated diphenyl ether (BDE-7) with OHradicals. Comput. Theo. Chem.,2012, 983, 31-37.

  26. DandanHan, Haijie Cao, Yanhui Sun,Maoxia He*.Computational study on the mechanism of the O3-initiated oxidation of ethylvinyl ether (EVE) and propyl vinyl ether (PVE). Struct. Chem., 2012, 23 (2),499-514.

  27. Xiaomin,Sun , Chenxi Zhang, Yuyang Zhao, Jing Bai,MaoxiaHe*. Kinetic study on the linalool ozonolysis reaction in the atmosphere. 2012,90 (4), 353-361.

  28. HaijieCao,Maoxia He*, Dandan Han, YanhuiSun, Ju Xie. Theoretical study on the mechanism and kinetics of the reaction of2,2′,4,4′-tetrabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE-47) with OH radicals. Atmos.Environ., 2011, 45(8), 1525-1531.

  29. HaijieCao,Maoxia He*, Dandan Han, YanhuiSun. Mechanicaland kinetic studies of the formation of polyhalogenateddibenzo-p-dioxins from hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers andchlorinated derivatives. J. Phys. Chem. A,2011, 115 (46), 13489–13497.

  30. LongSun, Guolian Jin, Wenling Feng, Pengfei Lu,Maoxia He, Ju Xie*.Cycloaddition reactions of N-heterocyclic stablesilylenes with ethylene and formaldehyde. 2011, 696(4), 841-845.

  31. JuXie*,Yaxing Yin, Guolian Jin,Maoxia He,Guowang Diao. The.Chin J. Struct. Chem., 2011, 30, 5,706-716.

  32. YanZhao, Ruixue Zhang, Xiaomin Sun,MaoxiaHe, Hui Wang, Qingzhu Zhang, Miaoyan Ru*. Theoretical study on mechanismfor O3-initiated atmospheric oxidation reaction of caryophyllene. J. Mol.Struct. (Theochem), 2010,947(1), 68-75.

  33. YanZhao, Ruixue Zhang, Maoxia He, Xiaomin Sun, Hui Wang, Qingzhu Zhang, MiaoyanRu*. Theoretical study on mechanism for O3-initiated atmosphericoxidation reaction of caryophyllene. 2010, 947(1), 68-75.

  34. Maoxia He,Xiaoyan Sun, Qingzhu Zhang*, Wenxing Wang. Theoretical study of OH-initiatedatmospheric oxidation for propyl vinyl ether. J. Theo. Comput. Chem., 2009,8,261-277.

  35. Maoxia He,Ruiqin. Zhang*, T.A. Niehaus, Thomas Frauenheim, S.T. Lee. Sensitivity of hydrogenatedsilicon nanodoton small polar molecules. J.Theo. Comput. Chem., 2009, 8,826-835.

  36. QinZhou, Xiangyan Shi,Fei Xu, Qingzhu Zhang*,MaoxiaHe, Wenxing Wang. Mechanism of OH-initiated atmospheric photooxidation ofthe organophosphorus insecticide (C2H5O)3PS.Atmos.Environ., 2009, 43(27), 4163-4170.

  37. YunqiaoDing,Maoxia He, Yuzhong Niu, DengxuWang, YanCui and Shengyu Feng*. Electronic structures of bis-and monothiophenecomplexes with Fe, Co, Ni: A density functional theory study. J. Phys. Chem. A,2009, 113(38), 10291-10298.

  38. XiaoyanSun,Maoxia He, Qingzhu Zhang*,Wenxing Wang. Quantum chemical study on the atmospheric photoxidation of methylvinyl ether (MVE). J. Mol.Struct. (Theochem), 2008, 868,87-93.

  39. XiaominSun, Maoxia He, Dacheng Feng*, Zhengting Cai. Theoretical studies of water’sandmethanol’s effects on alcoholysis of N-benzyl-3-oxo-β-sultam. Chin. J. Struct.Chem., 2007, 9, 1118-1124.

  40. RuiLi, Dacheng Feng* and Maoxia He.Theoretical study of the reaction from6-methylidene penem to seven-memberedring intermediates. J. Phys. Chem. A,2007,111(21), 4720-4725.

  41. FengZhu, Rui Li, Dacheng Feng*,Maoxia He,Zhengting Cai. Theoretical studies of sulbactam: reactions after acylation.Int. J. Quan. Chem., 2007, 107(9), 1925-1934.

  42. SiewlingChew, Pengfei Wang,* Oiyan Wong, ZirouHong,Maoxia He, Ruiqin Zhang, Hoilun Kwongc, Jianxin Tang,Shiling Sun,Chun Sing Lee,* Shuit-Tong Lee*. Photoluminescenceand electroluminescence of3-methyl-8-dimethylaminophenazine. 2006, 156(2), 185-189.

  43. LingjuanYu, Dacheng Feng*,Maoxia He, RuiLi, Zhengting Cai. Theoretical study on hydrolysis mechanism ofβ-phospholactams. 2006, 5, 421-431.

  44. Maoxia He,Dacheng Feng*, Ju Xie and Zhengting Cai. Computational studies of theammonolysis of N-methyl b–sultam. J. Theo. Comp. Chem., 2005, 4(2), 383-395.

  45. Maoxia He,Lingjuan Yu, Dacheng Feng*, Zhengting Cai.Density Functional studiesfor thehydrolysis of N-benzyl 3-oxo-β-sultam. J. Mol. Struct. (Theochem)., 2005, 757,61-68.

  46. Maoxia He,Lingjuan Yu, DachengFeng*, Zhengting Cai. Water-assistedammonolysis of N-methylβ–sultam: A computational study.Chem.Res. Chin. U., 2005, 21(6),94-98.

  47. Maoxia He,Dacheng Feng*,Lingjuan Yu, Zhengting Cai.Theoretical study for alcoholysisofN-benzyl 3-oxo-β-sultam. Struct. Chem., 2005, 16(2),149-154.

  48. Maoxia He,Dacheng Feng, Huanjie Wang*, Zheng-Ting Cai.Theoretical studies of theaminolysis for N-methyl β-sultam in solution.2005, 23(10), 1319-1326.

  49. LingjuanYu,Maoxia He, Dacheng Feng*, andZhengting Cai. The study of neutral hydrolysis of1,2-thiazetidine-1,1-dioxidewith quantum chemical method. Chin. J. Struct.Chem., 2005, 24(6), 661-668.

  50. JuXie , Dacheng Feng*,Maoxia He, ShengyuFeng. Insertion reactions of silylenoid Ph2SiLi (OBu-t) intoXH bonds(X= F, OH, and NH2). J. Phys. Chem. A, 2005, 109(46), 10563-10570.

  51. Maoxia He,Feng Zhu, Dacheng Feng*, Zhengting Cai. Quantum chemical study of alcoholysismechanism of N-methyl-1,2-thiazetidine-1, 1-dioxide. J. Mol. Struct.(Theochem), 2004, 674(1), 199-205.

  52. Maoxia He,Dacheng Feng*, FengZhu , and Zhengting Cai. Alcoholysis of N-methyl-1,2-thiazetidine-1,1-dioxide: DFT study of water and alcohol effects. J.Phys.Chem.A, 2004, 108(38), 7702-7708.

  53. Maoxia He,Feng Zhu, Dacheng Feng*, Zhengting Cai. The study of alcoholysis of1,2-thiazetidine-1,1-dioxide with quantum chemical method. Chin. Chem. Lett.,2004, 15(6),745-748

  54. Maoxia He,Feng Zhu, Dacheng Feng*, Zhengting Cai. Quantum chemical study of alcoholysismechanism of 1,2-thiazetidine 1, 1-dioxide. 2003, 377(1), 13-19.


1. 2013年度山东大学优秀硕士学位论文指导奖

2. 2013年度环境研究院奖教金奖

3. 2016年度山东大学优秀硕士学位论文指导奖

